Monday, September 1, 2008

Hey! Where Did Everyone Go? (blog music: ABC)

September 1st 2008. Another summer has come and gone (it sure went, but I don't think it ever came) and the boys are back in school. The school is rather large, but set up quite nicely. Each classroom has its own personality. Cozy, imaginative, and just perfect for little ones. The teachers have done a great job! The playground is BIG! Basketball hoops, a trampoline, giant sand area, slides, and jungle gyms are scattered throughout the grounds. The boys are sure to love every bit of recess. Thomas and William will be able to play together during some recesses as well as eat lunch together. Thomas finds great comfort in knowing that William is there and William does a great job of playing with Thomas.
Getting up SO early in the morning came as quite a shock to the boys even though I had been reminding them daily that a new school year was about to begin. With baths and breakfast finished, lunches and bags packed, we all jumped in the car and headed to school. Poor Thomas didn't say a word the whole way!
The school grounds were busy with moms, dads, and children all trying to get orientd and adjust themselves to the first day of school. Naturally, I had my camera and was taking pictures of almost every move the boys made and I was quite glad to see that other moms were doing the same.
The school provided hot coffee and tea to all the parents for an early morning meet and greet.
Soon the bell rang and William found his teacher and the other children in his class as they all gathered around her. Rightfully so! William's teacher is 27, newly married, and looks like an "all American" beauty queen. Hmmmm, maybe that is why William was so anxious to go to school. Surely, he must have noticed how pretty she is because since meeting her, he has made it a point to mention it to me daily. And I quote, "Mama, my teacher is prettier than you". Aren't children funny?!? Thomas' teacher is very nice and it is easily seen how caring and nurturing she is. Thomas cried when I left which always makes me feel sad, but I know he will like his new teacher and school and make many friends. Thomas always needs time in dealing with new situations especially when mama can't be there by his side.
William pretty much goes with the flow and doesn't have too much of a problem adjusting. He seems to enjoy school and hopefully this year, he'll make many new friends! Harrison is getting use to being alone again, he did enjoy playing with William and Thomas everyday, but at the same time, he is enjoying having me to himself again. It's back to business again for the two of us. Playing at the park just after we drop the boys off, running to the butcher some days, to the grocery store others and finding new things to do to fill our days. At times, I see that Harrison is enjoying his freedom and his Mama all to himself and other times I see him thinking... Hey! Where did everyone go?!?

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