Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One Night in Bruges (blog music: viva la vida)

Filip and I were given the treat, by Filip's parents, of spending one full day and night in the beautiful town of Bruges. Bruges is referred to as the Venice of the North because of its network of canals that flow throughout the village. It is a very breath taking village and the quintessential image of Europe. Even though we have been to Bruges several times, I never seem to come home with less than 50 pictures. It has a renewing quality and an everlasting beauty. It was also the first time Filip and I were able to visit Bruges alone as well as stay the night. Filip and I were guests at the Pand Hotel, voted Europe's Small Luxury Hotel of the Year. It was gorgeous! The room and hotel was beautifully decorated and very luxurious. The service and attention to detail were just the same! There was even a turn down service! Apparently, while Filip and I were out
to dinner, the house keeper prepared our bed for the night complete with chocolates that had been laid on the pillows. The hotel was located a few streets away from the Center and the view from our balcony was quite a treat. All the little brick homes smooshed together with one of Bruges' cathedral looming over them. We spent hours and hours just walking all over Bruges. Turning down this little street and then that one, over bridges, and in and out of the little shops. The village was quite busy that day and by some miracle of nature, it decided to actually NOT rain! Bruges is a big tourist destination. There were things happening all over the village and there were markets everywhere. I love markets! I could spend hours in them, especially antique markets. There are many things to do in Bruges. Two of my favorites are the canal tours and the horse and carriage rides. Filip and I stopped at a little cafe to have a snack during the day. I of course ordered a Belgian waffle with powdered sugar, ice cream, and a cappuccino. Filip had ice cream and strawberries. Half the fun of ordering things to eat in Belgium is the presentation of the food. It's so pretty. Little spoons for the coffee, silver bowls brimming with ice cream, beautifully garnished meals... it's really impressive. I had a lot of fun just walking around finding new things to take pictures of. There is no shortage of wonderful material in Bruges! Pigeons flying everywhere, horses trotting by, flower boxes, small streets and passageways drenched in shadows, and the swans that call Lovers' Lake their home are just a few! Brugge is known for its tapestry
and lace work. There are usually little women sitting outside shops or in little passageways working on intricate patterns.
This is truly a talent and pure artisanship! We had a lovely dinner, rather late at night, close to the waters of the canals.
Once every four years, Bruges hosts what is called The Night of the Canals. All throughout the village and on its many canals; music, costume and light shows were taking place. There were crowds everywhere and well into the night. We had a blast and can't wait to do it again!!!

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